The prison opened in 2001 and receives Category B convicted prisoners serving four years and over with at least 18 months left to serve.
Accommodation at the prison is divided into the main prison (860 places) and the Therapeutic Prison (200 places). In 2009 the addition of a further accommodation block and other facilities, saw the Operational Capacity increased, and the prison now has 130 remand places, taking remand prisoners from Stoke and Newcastle under Lyme courts.
The education department of the prison has space for 126 prisoners to receive part-time education in classes operating 5 days a week. Activities range from basic skills to Open University courses. Other facilities include a library, shop, gym and sports centre.
Dovegate has 24-hour primary healthcare facility, with a full-time medical officer.
Chaplaincy services include a full-time Church of England chaplain and a full-time Islamic minister, part-time Methodist and Roman Catholic ministers, as well as visiting Jewish, Buddhist and Sikh ministers. There is a dedicated place of worship with Christian and multi-faith areas.
1060 capacity Cat B Training Prison;
200 Capacity therapeutic community;
25 Year concession
Opened in July 2001
Capital Cost £96m (including expansion)d 80 tonne bollard pull.